Friday, April 18, 2008

Has your History book lied to you?

All throughout our school careers we have taken countless history classes. Many of our history books present materials as pure fact not be to questioned or thought of outside of what you read. The sad part about it is that our history books take a "Eurocentric" side of history but if we think intelligently about it, plenty of our cultures such as Native Americans, Africans, Irish, Chinese (to just name a few) would present a completely different side. Not any more right from what we've learned. But DIFFERENT.

Why do our history books choose to beat in our brains a history that is one sided which heralds and heroifies individuals instead of really getting down the real business of what they actually DID, THOUGHT, and SAID? Wouldn't we have paid attention a little more in history class if we knew that Thomas Jefferson didn't free any of his personal slaves except a total of 8 who were kin to him? Even to his dying day? And even wrote that he KNEW he preached one thing but did something completely different? Or that many Europeans that favored the Native American way of life when they reached North America and decided to live with the Native Americans were in many cases physically FORCED to return to European life and if the Europeans found any white children among the Native Americans they would kidnap them and bring them back to a "civilized" way of life? Or that Christopher Columbus wrote back to Spain that "The people here are ripe for subjugation and enslavement?" in reference to the natives there. Hmmm, well of course our history books don't want to present individuals as human who have screwed up and lied as we all have done in our personal history. Our history books want to present people that have made the right choices over and over again and withstood being the only right person never faltering or re-thinking a decision they made. YEAH RIGHT! What is some history that you now know to be truth but was taught something different? This should be interesting.....

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